The Importance of Authenticity (and Gingerbread Handups)

It’s been a year

Definitely a busy year. A bad year? A good one? That’s very subjective, but that’ll be explored in a separate year recap post incoming for 2019 (because 2020 is going to find the eleven on the dial, yo)

It’s now the winter doldrums months in New England, which is hard for many reasons for me to bear. Really got to thank my family and friends who were instrumental in making the dark and cold days bearable while growing up. It still sucks now, but you do your best to find the people and activities to make the best of life

For now, I’d like to share two things. The first is an e-mail I got in response while looking for advice. It’s worthwhile, especially if you’re looking to create anything and you need that first good nudge in the best direction. Been stumbling along to this advice for a while now- it’s been great enough that I hope reading it helps enable and release that part of yourself

Yes I still keep in touch with Heather

Yes I still keep in touch with Heather

The second is… well, actions speak louder than words. Here’s a .gif from attending New England’s Bike Party of the year. Yes that’s me riding in a hawaiian shirt outdoors in December. Yes that’s a $100 Walmart Bike I’m riding. Yes that’s a gingerbread cookie. Yes life is weird and wonderful

And it tastes so good

Katie Busick catching me outside with a signature, “screw it, I’m having fun” face. I’m guessing I was attempting to throw the shaka before hitting the barriers 🤷🏽‍♂️

Katie Busick catching me outside with a signature, “screw it, I’m having fun” face. I’m guessing I was attempting to throw the shaka before hitting the barriers 🤷🏽‍♂️