Back when I wrote this, I had plans to enact and then write about. Such plans! And then life happened. And while there’s much to write about, most of it hasn’t been either ready to share or terribly interesting
OK, perhaps neither of those are true, and it’s much more than like everyone else I’m down in the dumps, in the pit of despair, to generate #content I feel good about sharing. It doesn’t help that most of my social media is based around bike racing. Which is the best! Until it’s really not pandemic-kosher activity and you’re stuck with three-and-a-half broken bikes and no one to ride them with
yes this is me dressed in a cut off santa sweater and jean shorts taking a fireball whiskey from a man in a bacon suit while bike racing in the snow. yes i miss this chaos so much
Which makes it a perfect time to share somebody else’s #content! Or reblogging, if anyone else still doing that in 2020??? So here’s a wonderful written piece with pictures from Colin Reuter. Colin is:
General all-around great guy
Bike Racer, Event Director, President of New England Bike Racing
Certifiably insane
How insane? Gauging by this blog post, about three spit takes worth. We’re all better for having Colin doing good work in our lives, and this write-up of twelve years of crazy bike stories is the best. Enough to bring me out of the pit enough. I hope it brightens your day as well
Clicky Link (about twenty-two minutes of reading time)
If you liked that and want more, here’s Colin’s website with many excellent gems. Most of them are about bike racing and bike event promoting. There’s one about Colin getting skewered by a bike mid race! Yes, skewered, as in, driven to the hospital with half of a bike stuck in him
Happy reading!
for anyone keeping score, colin has been doing this for twelve years and me for two years. yes this entire blog post is me stanning colin 🤷🏽♂️ thanks for DM-ing me and encouraging me to do this crazy stuff! it’s the best